

5 Films

Jim Kolmar
Fragile lives, resilient people - how do events and circumstances beyond human control shape our futures?  What does it take to galvanize profound change and can we ever be ready to receive it?

While cinema is essentially a medium of time, could it more accurately be said to articulate change? The films in this selection represent emotional mutability, physical transition, and the complexities and cataclysm of trauma and tragedy.

What happens when external events force us to consider new pathways? How does regret affect the way we move forward, if we even can?  Our ultimate destination doesn’t always align with our intentions at the point of departure, but perhaps things work out better that way.

These films articulate the idea of life outside of our control, mediated by acts of brutality, mysterious strangers, the death of a loved one, or the fealty paid to an industrialized society that cares little for the individual. Films that flirt with darkness, but overflow with humanity, compassion and tenacity. The past informs the future, but the shifts and transformations between the two remind us of what it takes to be present.

Jim Kolmar