Dear Werner

Pablo Maqueda

Spain, 2020 - 80'

A love letter to one of the greatest filmmakers of all time.


In 1974 Werner Herzog walked from Munich to Paris, an act of faith to prevent the death of his mentor Lotte Eisner. In 2020, a young filmmaker walks following in Herzog ́s footsteps in an act of love to one of the best filmmakers of our time. Pablo Maqueda collaborated with Herzog and the resulting film has been described as poetic, inspirational and beautiful. This “film letter” is a meditation on filmmaking and a must see for admirers of Werner and lovers of film.

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Pablo Maqueda
Guió: Pablo Maqueda
Producció: Haizea G. Viana
Edició: Pablo Maqueda
Fotografia: Pablo Maqueda
Música: José Venditti
So: José Venditti, Sergio Lóèz Eraña, Silvia Torrico
Andrea Jaurrieta

Pablo Maqueda

Pablo Maqueda (Madrid, 1985) Chosen as one of the top 20 filmmakers of the year 2020 by CINEMANIA Film Magazine. In his commitment to new formats, he produced and directed the experimental project All the Women 366 minutes, 366 videos, referenced in major national and international media such as The New York Times and Indiewire. In 2013, he created the Spanish film manifesto initiative #Littlesecretfilm. He has produced more than 25 films, including the latest works of Chema García Ibarra, Marçal Fores and Miguel Larraya. In 2023 he directed and co-writed Unknown Girl, a thriller based on the award winning play Grooming, by Paco Bezerra.