This Film is About Me

Alexis Delgado Búrdalo

Spain, 2010 - 61'

This Film is About Me is a film that is more about the desire to live in imagination and poetry rather than in the difficult and sad reality that surrounds us.


She believes that the story of her life is the most extraordinary story. Who is filming her, believes that he is in front of the character of his life. Immersed in the desire to make a movie, they play. They show themselves as they would like to be seen. She is serving a sentence for a brutal murder.

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Alexis Delgado Búrdalo
Edició: Manuel Muñoz Rivas
Fotografia: Alexis Delgado Búrdalo
So: Alexis Delgado Búrdalo
Andrea Jaurrieta

Alexis Delgado Búrdalo

Is a musician, poet and filmmaker. He graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama in London where he studied piano. I Ie is a member of the piano duo Johann Sebastian .Jazz, who specialize in the works of .J.S. Bach wilh juzz improvisations. He has directed the short documentary film Tres mujeres (Theee Women) which has been selected in Visions du Réel DOCM 201 (Nyon, Switzerland). This film is about is his first feature documentary.