Los inocentes

Guillermo Benet

Spain, 2020 - 100'

Un potent i arriscat debut, que retrata una generació que viu en una situació global d'incertesa i desconcert, en un format absorbent i sorprenent per al públic.


The police busts a concert at a squat. During the riots that follow, a rock hits a police man and he dies. Who threw that rock? Who knows about it? Why don’t they speak up? This is the story of those who live knowing the answer. It is the story of their silence, their fear and their guilt.

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Guillermo Benet
Guió: Guillermo Benet, Rafa Alberola
Edició: Perig Guinamant
Fotografia: Giuseppe Truppi
Intèrprets: Pablo Gómez Pando, Violeta Orgaz, Pilar Bergés, Raúl de la Torre, Susana Abaitua
Música: Troia
So: Roberto Fernández, Óscar Vincentelli
Andrea Jaurrieta

Guillermo Benet

Guillermo Benet was born in Madrid in 1984. He graduated in Audiovisual Communication Degree by the UCM. In 2011 he graduated from Escuela de Cine y Audiovisual de la Comunidad de Madrid (ECAM) with a specialisation on Scriptwriting. His short film Shoot for the Moon, directed by Casandra Macías won the Best Script in the International Saint Petersburg Festival. 

In 2013 he founded the production company VERMUT together with Rafa Alberola. In the last years the company has emerged in the national panorama with different short films. Amongst them we can highlight: Pueblo, Septiembre, Les vimos reír y creímos que era de felicidad, Los Inocentes and Arenal. All of them have had a noteworthy tour in all the festival circuits, both at a national and an international level.

Guillermo Benet has written and directed the short film Kisses, Les vimos reír y creíamos que era de felicidad and Está amaneciendo. In 2018 his short film Los Inocentes was awarded as Best film and Best Script by the ’Semana del corto de la Comunidad de Madrid’. His first feature film The Blameless has premiered in the Sevilla International European Cinema Festival 2020 where the film was awarded a Special Jury Wention. The film was also awarded with the Best Film Award in Márgenes Film Festival in 2020. ‘The Blameless’ has been premiered in theatrical cinemas in 2021 with the distribution company ‘EL Sur Films’. It had its premiere in Barcelona in the framework of the Festival D'A 2021, as part of the section 'A collective impulse'. Currently it continues to garner international selections at festivals such as the Transylvania International Film Festival or Crossing Europe, in Austria. In 2023 he participated in the Berlinale Talents program of the 'Berlin International Film Festival' as part of the development process of his next feature film, Arcadia. With this project he has also participated in the Márgenes Work and Abycine Lanza programs. 

Guillermo teaches screenwriting and directing at the Escuela de cine y audiovisual de la Comunidad de Madrid (ECAM) and teaches screenwriting at the Fuentetaja school.