Dead Slow Ahead

Mauro Herce

Spain, 2015 - 74'

A freighter crosses the ocean. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species.


A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its pace reveals the continuous movement of the machinery devouring its workers: the old sailor’s gestures disappearing under the mechanical and impersonal pulse of the 21st century. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species with engines still running, unstoppable.

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Mauro Herce
Guió: Mauro Herce, Manuel Muñoz Rivas
Edició: Manuel Muñoz Rivas
Fotografia: Mauro Herce
So: Manuel Muñoz Rivas, Daniel Fernández, Alejandro Castillo, Carlos E. García, José M. Berenguer
Andrea Jaurrieta

Mauro Herce

Graduated in Telecommunications Engineering (UPC) and Fine Arts (UB) before studying filmmaking at EICTV (Cuba) and Louis Lumière (Paris). Since then he has worked mainly as director of photography on films such as: Fire Will Come by Oliver Laxe (2019), for which he won a Goya, a Gaudí and a Mestre Mateo for best cinematography; Endless Night by Eloy Enciso (2019), Pour le réconfort by Vincent Macaigne (2017), Mimosas by Oliver Laxe (2016), The Sea Stares at us from Afar by Manuel Muñoz (2017), or Arraianos by Eloy Enciso (2012), among others.

In 2015 he made his directorial debut with the feature film Dead Slow Ahead awarded with the special jury prize in the "Cineasti del Presente" section of the Locarno festival and the Feroz award for best documentary of 2016, among many other awards and selections in renowned festivals. In 2019, he directed the short film Lonely Rivers also selected at Locarno and with which he won the first prize in the official section of Gijón 2019, among other awards and selections.