
León Siminiani

Spain, 2012 - 85'

A young Spanish director gets fired from his job at a broadcaster. Recovering his dream to make movies he travels to India in “search” of his first feature film, only to discover that his real search isn’t in India but back home: actually, he was escaping… Back in Madrid however things don’t exactly work out as expected…


A young Spanish director gets fired from his job at a broadcaster. Recovering his dream to make movies he travels to India in «search» of his first feature film, only to discover that his real search isn’t in India but back home: actually, he was escaping... Back in Madrid however things don’t exactly work out as expected...

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: León Siminiani
Guió: León Siminiani
Producció: María Zamora, Stefan Schmitz
Edició: León Siminiani
Fotografia: León Siminiani
So: Nacho Royo
Participants: León Siminiani, Ainhoa Ramírez
Andrea Jaurrieta

León Siminiani

Passionate about the possibilities of the audiovisual, León Siminiani has investigated different formats and genres. Some of his most notable fiction film work includes Dos más (2001) (Best Drama at the 2002 EMMY Awards for Students and Audience Award (Versión Española), Archipiélago (2003) (Jury Award, Best Screenplay and Audience Award (Columbia University Film Festival 2003) and finalist in the Sundance Channel’s 2004 Latino Filmmakers Showcase, Ludoterapia (2007), Best Short film at Europa Cinema 2007 and El Premio (2011) (Nominated for the 2012 Goya Awards). His most notable non-fiction film work includes the series of micro-essay films Key Concepts from a Modern World, the first four installments of which - La oficina (1998), El permiso (2001), Digital (2003) and El tránsito (2009)- have won more than 100 international awards. In addition, Siminiani has explored hybrid formats with pieces as Zoom (2005) or the series Límites (2009) which won, among others, the First Award of the Alcala de Henares Film Festival (Alcine 09), and the First Award of the Ibero-American Short films competition Versión Española (TVE). Map is his first feature film where he continues investigating the fertile border where fiction and non-fiction meet.