My mexican bretzel

Núria Giménez

Spain, 2019 - 74'

A melodrama built through the diary of a well-of woman who lived in the 40s and 60s. A film whose drama makes us reflect on our relationship with images.


"Lies are just another way of telling the truth. The desire to believe is the hand of the man hanging from a cliff and clinging to the only stone that would seem to save him. But he always ends up falling because the stone is a mirage, just as the cliff is. Death is awakening from this dream in which the essential can be said and in which the continuous and infinite has a beginning, an end and a meaning".

Paravadin Kanvar Kharjappali

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Núria Giménez
Guió: Núria Giménez
Edició: Núria Giménez, Cristóbal Fernández
Fotografia: Frank A. Lorang, Ilse G. Ringier
So: Jonathan Darch
Participants: Frank A. Lorang, Ilse G. Ringier
Andrea Jaurrieta

Núria Giménez

(Barcelona, 1976). She studied Journalism, International Relations and Documentary Filmmaking. She complemented her training in seminars and master classes by filmmakers such as Isaki Lacuesta, Andrés Duque, Virginia García del Pino, Patricio Guzmán, Wang Bing and Frederick Wiseman. Her first short film, Kafeneio, was presented at DocumentaMadrid and MIDBO in Colombia. She made her feature debut with My Mexican Bretzel, a critical and public phenomenon that was twice nominated for a Goya.