
Sofi Escudé, Liliana Torres

Spain - France, 2018 - 85'

In 2015, Ossamah and his son were tripped up by a TV reporter. The moment was filmed and soon became a symbolic image of the Syrian conflict. While the incident helped Ossamah get his dream job in Madrid, the rest of the family remain stuck in Turkey as their chances of obtaining a visa are fading.


What is it like to be a Syrian war refugee trapped in Turkey without your family? How do you move forward with your life when you’ve had to leave behind your wife and children? When you’ve had to abandon the woman you were engaged to or the career you’ve been fighting for all your life?
Hayati (my life) is the story of Ossamah, who was tripped by a TV journalist on Hungary’s border and became one of the conflict’s most tragic icons. The story reveals how Ossamah’s family struggles to obtain a visa that will allow them to continue with their lives—an almost impossible feat. Paradoxically, they have a house, food and their lives are not in danger; however, all their goals are stagnant.
Hayati (my life) talks about their unchanging lives and about the dreams that we leave behind—a reflection on the waiting process and survival of thousand of Syrian families who were stripped of the best years of their lives by the war.

Fitxa tècnica

Direcció: Sofi Escudé, Liliana Torres
Guió: Sofi Escudé, Liliana Torres
Producció: Bernat Manzano, Valérianne Boué
Edició: Sofi Escudé, Liliana Torres
Fotografia: Gris Jordana, Alberto Borque
Música: Joan Pons, Gès Burgès
Andrea Jaurrieta

Sofi Escudé

 Hayati (My Life) is Sofi Escudé’s first feature film as co-director. She graduated from ESCAC in 2013 and has developed her professional career as an editor of films such as Camera/Woman, Somos Gente Honrada and La Guerre du Golf.

Andrea Jaurrieta

Liliana Torres

Vic, 1980. És graduada en direcció per l’ESCAC i està especialitzada en Documental pel CCC de Mèxic DF. Entre els seus projectes els seus curtmetratges Anteayer (2005) i Quince Años (2012), ambdós amb recorregut internacional, documentals, guions de llargmetratge, i una pel·lícula com a productora executiva: El lenguaje de los machetes (2011) de Kyzza Terrazas, estrenada a la Settimana della Critica de Venecia 2011. Després de Family Tour el 2018 va completar el documental Hayati (Mi Vida) que reflexiona sobre la situació dels refugiats a Europa, i està editant el seu segon llargmetratge.